Anti-Graffiti Film

Commercial Glass Restoration Anti-Graffiti Film

Riverside, California

The Challenge

We were hired to restore old exterior anti-graffiti window film to this high profile fast food restaurant in Riverside California. Much of the glass was vandalized and about 90% were treated with an anti-graffiti protective coating although it was extremely old and overdue for a refresh. On the other hand, some windows did ‘not’ have anti-graffiti film and as you may have guessed the glass without anti-graffiti film was also vandalized. After our inspection of one of these unprotected and vandalized window panes we realized it couldn’t be restored 100% due to the severity of the damage (we’ll talk more about that below). One of the challenges we are up against is to find ways to save them time and money. Imagine the high cost of glass replacement, month after month, year after year? It is our job to make this storefront glass look fresh and new again along with cost saving solutions.

The solution

Naturally we started at sunrise on a recent hot summer sunny morning, after all this is Riverside and this was during one of our most recent heat waves. We started by stripping the old protective window film product off the glass and thoroughly cleaning them for preparation of new 6 mil anti-graffiti film treatment. It’s our policy to use the thicker 6mil film products for better scratch/tag protection. During this removal process we start with the glass restoration. Remember that one pane we mentioned above that couldn’t be restored 100%? This particular window wasn’t in a crucial area. We recommended during our site visit that we restore the glass to about 90-95% and after installing the clear protective coating whatever damage is left over would most likely hide it even further. Our customer agreed to the cost saving solution as every little bit counts and if pictures were worth a thousand words?

At the end of the day our customer saved thousands of dollars due to the fact they didn’t have to replace glass. I’m guessing we’ll be back in a few years but as a positive to their bottom line.

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